ROLFING®Vickie Kovar
Serving North New Jersey and Eastern PennsylvaniaIn private practice since 1995Free 20 minute consultation
Rolfing vs. Massage

Rolfing is different from most forms of bodywork because it focuses on improving and reorganizing the entire structure (often visible as better posture, feeling lighter, better balance and pain free). Although massage is relaxing, you may find the same area bothersome shortly thereafter. This is because the area that hurts is often compensatory to the real issue. Rolfers are always searching for the vectors in the body, feeling the subtle tensions under the skin, knowing what is out of the norm.

Vickie KovarCertified RolferRolf Movement TeacherCranio-Sacral TherapistVisceral Manipulation
570-332-4365Call or Text for Appointment
511 Hearthstone CircleBartonsville, PA 18321